The most difficult part on taking the exam is not actually the exam itself, but during the review process. There are alot of references and uncertainties that you want to consider. Ofcourse, you do not want to take the exam again and again. Therefore, it should be just one take. 

The exam is time limited and no calculator to be used when solving for mathematics. If you are fast enough to solve the problems using paper then you will surely pass. The calculations are actually basic but time is your enemy. 

Reading comprehension on English subject will really burn your time. It is actually impractical to read the whole paragraph of the story to answer the questions underlying it. What I did was to look for the questions first then identify them immediately in the paragraph thru scanning every sentences and not actually reading. 

Just like any other subjects, speed on answering is the real test. The exam is quite easy if you study, but if you are slow in answering you could fail. 

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